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Political Science and International Relations

Our department aims to provide our students with basic and current information in order to train them as experts in the field of political science and international relations, to teach them the history of the international system, its current functioning and legal framework, to the basic texts and current scientific agendas of political science and to provide them with critical and analytical thinking skills based on this information.

Dear Students,

The Department of Political Science and International Relations at Yıldız Technical University, one of our country's most distinguished research universities, has been continuing its academic activities since 1999. Our department aims to train students who have developed the ability to think analytically and critically about international developments and political and social issues closely related to Turkey and the world and who have the necessary scientific skills and visions. Our students take fundamental courses that enable them to comprehend different dimensions of political science and international relations disciplines throughout their education life in our department, and they also have the opportunity to take a step towards specialization in line with their wishes and goals with the courses they can choose according to their interests. The contribution to encourage specialization continues with the graduation paper prepared by our students under their advisors' supervision in their 4th grades.  30% of the education program implemented in the Department of Political Science and International Relations is carried out in English. Our students can do internships in institutions and organizations related to the fields in which they continue their education. In addition, our students can study at European universities, with which we have bilateral agreements within the scope of the Erasmus program, in 5-10 month periods. Our graduates start their professional lives in different sectors and institutions. The main ones are relevant departments of universities, civil society, research and think tanks, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, TIKA, Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities, other public institutions and ministries, international organizations, import-export, international relations and strategy departments of companies operating in the private sector and media organizations.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akif OKUR

Head of Department